a new paradigm
for neurological
The h.o.p.e. Orchestra
Human-Scale. Organ-Regrowth. Personalized. Experiments.

The h.o.p.e. Orchestra seeks to regrow the individual’s missing neurological tissue and restore function to the central nervous system.
The h.o.p.e. Orchestra seeks to regrow the individual’s missing tissue and restore neurological function through the development of transdisciplinary, comprehensive, and personalized human-scale models and treatment protocols.
Our legacy will be to build the algorithms to solve this tragic puzzle first for one person – and then for everyone. This is a humanitarian quest through scientific achievement.
A neurological injury is an injury to the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) or the peripheral nervous system, which results in missing tissue and consequent permanent disability, such as the inability to see, speak, hear, or move.
Currently, there is no therapy for neurological injury, despite attempts made in diverse fields. The human toll of this situation is staggering, both from a humanitarian and an economic standpoint.
To ease this suffering and ameliorate this loss, scientists and physicians must work collaboratively and aggressively to develop practical, comprehensive, human-scale solutions.
New Scientific Paradigm
Each neurological injury is unique, damaging a unique constellation of cells and cell types. Because no two injuries are identical, it stands to reason that no single treatment will be effective for everyone.
Comprehensive neurological repair must be centered on the individual, and this raises essential questions to be answered in order to achieve success, including what cells were lost, how many, where, and what considerations must be taken into account in order to regrow them. We intend to answer all of these questions.

Read our full proposal, available for download
Orchestra Team
Neurology, Neuroscience & Neurorehabilitation
Founder - h.o.p.e. Orchestra
Director of Brain Injury Unit
Assistant Professor, Neurology & Neurorehabilitation
Burke Rehabilitation Hospital
Biomedical Engineering, Image Analysis & 3D Printing
Co-director of Neural Engineering
Professor, Center for Biomedical Engineering
The City College of New York of CUNY
Ethics, Stem Cells, & Health Care Policy
Co-director, Certificate in Health Care Management
Associate Director, Center for Community Engagement
& Leadership Development
School of Health Technology and Management
Director of Education and Ethics, Stem Cell Facility
Stony Brook University
Computational Neuroscience & Virtual Rehabilitation
Director of Rehabilitation Innovation
Mount Sinai Health Network
Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
The time is now; the opportunity is ours.